
Who (Or What) Is 'Thee Contrarian?'


Let's get right into it, shall we?

TheeContrarian.com is a compilation of gritty diatribes about sports, athletes and timely controversies of which I'm certain – in my infinitely arrogant wisdom – could be resolved if handled my way.

Yes, I just wrote that.

Put simply, I think rather highly of my thought processes. Who with a blog doesn’t?

As well though, I think rather highly of my tendency to get the marrow of matters, scrape at them a bit and leave a little scar tissue behind. I neither know the meaning of "leaving well enough alone," nor of "agreeing to disagree." The longer an argument lasts, the more stamina I exhibit. Although a former fast-twitch, short-spurt athlete, I’m contrarily quite the skilled marathon arguer. Be not mistaken, though: I don’t fuss; I argue. I don’t bicker; I battle. I don’t pick; I gouge.

Here’s the deal. I’ve done some stuff. I’ve competed against (and beaten) the best-of-the-best: as an athlete; as a writer; as a business professional. I haven’t been wet-behind-the-ears for several years now, but I’m also not a hardened curmudgeon, weathered and worn by decades of pounding away at life. I’m a hyper-curious contributor to the human race with an affinity for all-things-interesting -- particularly those things inside a sports vortex.

So given the stuff I've done, I frequently indulge in my own rarely controlled, freakishly obnoxious sense of entitlement. This incessant narcissism inevitably leads to my constantly feeling as if I am all-knowing (sigh), rendering the rest of the world woefully lacking (naturally) and sorely in need of my staggeringly poignant insights (but of course). Trust me: sometimes my delusions of grandeur are so...well...grand, I even get sick of listening to myself.

(I get similar complaints from all the other voices in my head.)

Perhaps in spite of (but most likely because of) this frighteningly unattractive personality trait, I have still managed to endear myself to people. I am richly blessed with family, friends, colleagues and mentors -- all of whom are seemingly immune to my insistence that I know absolutely everything. God bless 'em.

In an effort to pay penance to the aforementioned tireless warriors in my life, I am launching this blog. Considering that, inclusive of these blank web pages is the absence of stifling word count limitations (and a human listener with a day job), I am thankfully afforded the resource needed to endlessly pontificate about sports...and the veritable goldmine of fodder that comes with them.

A few general notes and housekeeping:

**I obviously consider my opinion 'Thee Contrarian' viewpoint. In other words, the viewpoint that: 1. is thee definitive, unabashed rub of a subject; 2. is based on facts many ignore; 3. makes good sense; 4. will be difficult for even the most astute to dispute.

**I’m right. Often.

**Okay, I’m actually almost always right (allegedly). But, myopic slants aside, I welcome – and even savor – the thoughtful, literate, grammatically correct debate. In fact, I’ll gladly concede being wrong if and when the circumstance warrants. Of course, it’s solely per my discretion to determine warranting circumstances. What can I say? Ownership has its privileges.

**BE FOREWARNED: If you intend to go at it with me, ensure your proverbial “game” is tight. And I mean, tight. Run spell check, visit dictionary.com, call a friend, grab Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style…whatever you need to do, but do not fail to show evidence you’ve achieved at least a B+ in 12th grade English. I mean it, folks. Anything short of solid sentence structure, proper punctuation and better-than-average spelling will result in my relentlessly contemptuous, publicly humiliating wrath. We’re all human, and we all succumb to the occasional spelling or grammatical error.

But hear me: I’m a writer.

I refuse to have badly written, poorly articulated mouth-breathing drivel junking up my blog. Yeah…I’m that one.

**I’m not an X’s and O’s expert. You’ll seldom get that kind of analysis here. My tiny piece of our vast cyber metropolis is home to social commentary within the sports realm (or any other realm I choose to introduce…it’s my blog, I’ll write about what I want).

**On occasion, I will feature guest posts by some of the most elite minds on the planet. Think-tank mentality required.

**I will not entertain or tolerate mean-spirited, foul-mouthed posts. Nor will I tolerate hard- or soft-porn imagery in connection with posts. I'm by no means an advocate of censorship, but if you can't express yourself without name-calling, venom-spewing, F-bomb-dropping or revealing your preference for naked people, post somewhere else. I'm having none of it. You'll be blocked. Like I said: my blog; my rules.

To reiterate, TheeContrarian.com is a not-so-warm, not-so-fuzzy haven where high-level thinking and respectfully inflammatory contentions dwell. Period.

Now, argue with me.


weebrucie said...

Kudos on an intriguing blog introduction. High anticipation for what I am sure will prove to be a stimulating discourse!


Linda Mac said...

I'm truly looking forward to your next entry. The intro is laid out like a battle plan and I like a nice fight.

Soldier on!

laralee said...

Can't wait to read your insightful comments. Love the challenge angle!

Anonymous said...

Well said! Your blog, your rules! Rock on!

Anonymous said...

Well written, for sure. I'm gonna keep this response short before I make a grammatical mistake (smile).